If you’re an Attorney or maybe an Attorney’s assistant and you’re looking to refer one of your new clients to a chiropractor for a personal injury case, look no further!
We’ll take care of your client like we would take care of our own brother, sister or family member and the best part? Once their personal injury case is completed, they can still continue to get care at our office and they can set their own monthly fee themselves although most clients have no problem paying $150 a month for “Unlimited Chiropractic Visits” once their personal injury case is completed. What most chiropractors would charge a person for one visit, for one time, for one adjustment, that same person could come to our office for unlimited chiropractic visits and for a few dollars more, they could bring in their entire family for care too! Why pay more? Compare….
Also, another reason to choose us as your “Go To Guys” for chiropractic for your personal injury cases is that unlike other chiropractors who are more than happy to take your case on a lien but then they’ll make your life and your client’s life hell if they ever have to reduce their chiropractic lien should the lien need to be reduced to settle the case, they’ll complain, bitch and moan till the cows come home and they’ll never refer you back a case… We Will gladly put you and your attorney on our list of referral attorneys as a gesture of gratitude for allowing us to be of service to your client. We want what you want too…in that we want a happy client who will not only get great results with us, but will be happy with you as an attorney in referring them to our office for care.
We are in the office on Mondays (1-6 PM) and Thursdays (1 - 7 PM) most often it’s 8pm or later that we are still in the office adjusting people and taking care of people … but should you need us for a new case on an off day for us… No Problem.. just call our office and we’ll call you back immediately or better yet, text me at my cell phone at (714) 843-4900.
Thanks for allowing us to be of service to both you and your client and we look forward to working with you.